Seal protection areas Snipansgrund
- Medelkallan
The gray seal (Halichoerus grypus)
is our biggest seal species. The male can reach 3 metres in length
and weigh about 300 kilograms. The females are smaller. In the
early twentieth century the seal was still common and was important
for hunting. It has gradually decreased in numbers because of
intensive hunting and environmental toxins, which impaired the
animals' reproduction. Since the 1980s the seals have once again
increased in number and become a scourge for professional fishers,
since they quickly learn where they can easily find their favourite
food - fish. The grey seal is a species of special concern and
EU legislation requires that sheltered areas for the grey seal
are established.
The seal protection area Snipansgrund-Medelkallan consists
of stones and sand banks, most of which are underwater. There
was once a lightship on Snipansgrund. A lightship is a vessel
anchored on a specific site to warn and guide seamen with a sphere
on the mast by day and a strong light by night. The lightship
on Snipansgrund arrived in 1866 and was the first lightship in
Finland. It was replaced a few times and the last lightship was
removed in 1960.
Freedom of movement is limited within the protected area.
Unless permission is received from Metsähallitus, travel
is prohibited all year round in seal protection areas and visitors
are not allowed to come closer than a half nautical mile (926
metres) from the rocks that are the core area of the protected
areas. Between 1 February and 15 June a permit from Metsähallitus
is also required to move within a radius of a half nautical mile
from the rocks. Only professional fishers are entitled to engage
in fishing in the protected areas outside a radius of a half nautical
mile from the core area. There is a total ban on hunting in the
seal protection areas.