How do I get there? Pictures Description

This heading presents a few areas close to Vaasa. These include Sommarö on Replot, which is not an island but a point with a permanent road connection. South of Replot is Djupskäret with Larsbjörkasskär and Kopparfuruskär a bit farther south towards the city. These islands have docks and other service facilities. The Torgrund archipelago with Munsmo Fårskäret is part of the Sundom archipelago and close to the channel in to Vaasa Harbour is Mastören. Despite its proximity to the city, it offers an excellent opportunity to enjoy nature typical of the outer archipelago.

Pohjakartta © Maanmittauslaitos lupanro 172/MYY/02

Torgrund- Djupskäret - Sommarö

Sommarö was previously used by the armed forces, which explains the many houses, foundations, roads and paths in the area. Sommarö's location by the channel to Vaasa made the area suitable as a military base. The military took possession of the land in 1940 without asking the landowners, which of course caused great irritation. Not until ten years later did the landowners receive compensation for their lost land. In 2000 management of was transferred to Metsähallitus. A memorial of the fort was recently unveiled. There is a dock by the beach. The terrain is varied with flat rock, mires and old forest. The beaches are rocky though there is a small sandy beach farthest in at Hålörviken bay.

Djupskäret and Kopparfuruskär are located between Replot and Vaasa. Both islands are easily accessible and are popular destinations both summer and winter. The islands are covered with spruce forest. Djupskäret's forest is also rather old. The beaches are rocky. Larsbjörkasskär, which has almost grown together with Djupskäret, has a guest harbour with barbecue, toilet facilities and sauna. Kopparfuruskär also has a sheltered barbecue as well as toilet facilities, which are wheelchair accessible.

Torgrund archipelago consists of both larger forest-covered islands with old spruce forest and smaller open islets with grass and brush-covered heaths. Some of the islets have fishing cottages. Munsmo Fårskäret is the outermost island. The island is covered with forest and the beaches are rocky. Munsmo Fårskäret is owned by the city of Vaasa and is a recreation area.

Mastören is a small and rather high island, in an exposed location right by the channel to Vaasa. The terrain is covered in boulders and is brushy in places. Should you nevertheless make your way up to the highest point on Mastören you will be rewarded with a lovely view of the immediate archipelago and over the treeless boulder-covered land that crowns the island. Mastören is a suitable outing as it is relatively easy to reach by sea. At this time there are no services or amenities, but a small boat can land in the inlets on the west and east sides of the island.

Photo: Lise-Lotte Molander
Photo: Pertti Malinen
Photo: Pertti Malinen
Open heaths are common on the outermost island outside Sundom
Sheep grazing in summer in Sundom outer archipelago
Old spruce forest in Torgrund archipelago
Photo: ÖFPL/Göran Strömfors
Photo: ÖFPL/Göran Strömfors
Photo: Lise-Lotte Molander
These stairs on Kopparfuruskär are the only remains of the island's pilot station
Shoreline meadow at Yttre Torgrund

How do I get there

It is easy to get to Sommarö by car or boat. Signs show the way from Vallgrund village to the memorial site for the fort. Djupskäret and Kopparfuruskär are easily accessible by the Replot channel. Munsmo Fårskäret and Mastören are rather open and exposed, and Fårskäret in particular is surrounded by treacherous rocky waters.


Visitors can spend the night on the old fort grounds on Sommarö (Reservations via Metsähallitus, Terranova tel. no. 0205 64 5281)


If you would like to experience the archipelago outside Vaasa from the sea and do not have your own boat you can choose from many different cruise alternatives (read more under Boat Ride).


City of Vaasa website
Korsholm municipality website
Sommarö fort area (in Swedish)

Texts: Anders Enetjärn, Lise-Lotte Molander.
Translation: Accent Språkservice AB.
Layout & illustrations: Päivi Anttila.
Webbdesign: Fredrik Smeds, Freddi Com Oy Ab.
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